Thank you to everyone who competed, officiated, supported, volunteered or was otherwise involved with our amazing T&F league - without you it wouldn't happen!
The nail biting finish to the women's team results put your results team under a bit of stress, but hopefully it was worth the wait (certainly to the winning team!). So, here are the winners of the league for 2023:- Men's team - Jarrow & Hebburn AC, with 939 points Women's team - South Shields H & AC, with 839 points Individual GP winners can be found on THIS LINK and medals (if not already collected) can be picked up from almost any NEMAA event over the next few months. There is still the NEMAA Weight Pentathlon on the 9th September and the NEMAA/NECAA Pentathlon on the 16th to enter - the latter also incorporates the BMAF/NEMAA 10,000m Track Championships and these can be entered via Open Track. Don't miss the opportunity for a locally based BMAF medal!
A big well done to all the athletes who proudly represented the North East at the recent Inter Area Championships at Nuneaton. With several first place positions, and a high overall standard of results, we certainly held our own against the other area clubs - congratulations all!
Results marked in green are (as yet) unverified new records for that age group and distance. 4 x 100m relays4 x 400m relaysIf any of legs are in the wrong order, or the wrong athlete altogether, please email me at [email protected] with the corrected info, thank you!
February 2025