Newsletter N.E.M.A.A. November 2014 (formerly V.A.A.N.E.-E.)
Latest News :- “Bigger discount for early payment of subs”. Also NEMAA have a new website –
Please inform Membership Secretary George Routledge if you change your address or E mail address and if you would like future newsletters in an E Mail.
November 2014 Best wishes to all members,
At next years AGM the Committee will recommend that subscriptions be set at £20.00 per year, and there will be a £10.00 discount if paid before January 31st 2015. Subscriptions for 2014 are now overdue. Please send a cheque/order for £20 Payable to “ N.E.M.A.A. “ to:- Membership Secretary, George Routledge, 5 St Hildas Avenue, Holy Cross, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE28 7AB.(Tel 01914474219) Please include your Blue or Yellow Membership Card - so that it can be signed - and a stamped addressed envelope for its return. Please notify George if you change your club,your address or Email address and if you wish to receive the newsletter by Email in the future, If you have already paid your 2014 subscriptions, please ignore this reminder and send £10 for 2015 if you are paying your subscriptions before 31st January 2015.
The Committee would like to encourage all masters (veterans) who had NEVER been a member of the Masters Association – in its present or past form – to join NEMAA for a special rate of only £10. This special rate is only for brand new first time members , who have never joined NEMAA or VAANEE in the past. This special rate will not be available to former members who have let their subs lapse or have left NEMAA in recent years. Past members who wish to re-join NEMAA will be required to re-join at a rate of £20.
The NEMAA A.G.M. will be held on 12th January 2015 at 7.00 pm at Gateshead International Stadium, Nielson Road, Gateshead. ALL members are invited to attend. Any nominations for Officers or members of the Committee, any proposals or any items for discussion on the agenda should be sent to Secretary – Archie Jenkins before 31/12/2014 to [email protected] .
Nov 22 International Masters CC Nov 22. NEHL Aykley Heads Nov 29. NEHL Wallington
Dec 7 Blyth Sands 5 Dec 13. NE XC> Town Moor Dec 20. Saltwell 10k
Dec 26 W Bay Pudding Run Dec 28. Jolly Holly Jog Jan 1. Resolution Run Town Moor Jan 11. Durham City XC Relays Jan 12. NEMAA AGM Jan 17 NEHL Jarrow
Jan 24. Northern XC Pontefract Jan 25 Newcastle Racecourse Marathon and Half
Feb 7 NEMAA XC Darlington Feb 21 National XC London Feb 28. NEHL XC Alnwick
Mar 7/ 8 BMAF Indoors T&F Mar 14. BMAF XC Ruthin, N Wales Mar 14 NEHL XC Wrekenton
Mar 15 Locke Park 20 Mar 21 Coniston 14 Mar 29 Hartlepool Marina
Apr 4 Longtown 10 Apr 5 Blyth 10k Apr 19 Sandancer MT 10k S Shields
Apr 19 Druridge Bay Marathon Apr 26 Wallsend T O’Gara 5k Apr 26 London Marathon July 25/26 BMAF T&F Champs Nov 1 Newcastle Marathon
Good Luck ! Please confirm dates with race organizers, some fixtures are provisional.
The 2015 Newcastle Marathon on November 1st will incorporate BMAF & NEMAA Championships
Please detach and send* £10 / £20 cheque payable to “ N.E.M.A.A “. --Please re new my NEMAA Membership for 2015.
Postcode……………………………… Male/Female*…………………. Date of Birth ……………….………
E Mail address……(please print)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Club………………………………………………....... Athletics Affiliation No……………………………….…...
Please send with Blue or Yellow NEMAA Membership card and Self addressed stamped envelope to:-
George Routledge, 5 StHildas Avenue, Holy Cross, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE28 7AB.
Please do not use this form for new members application. Please use website form
Latest News :- “Bigger discount for early payment of subs”. Also NEMAA have a new website –
Please inform Membership Secretary George Routledge if you change your address or E mail address and if you would like future newsletters in an E Mail.
November 2014 Best wishes to all members,
At next years AGM the Committee will recommend that subscriptions be set at £20.00 per year, and there will be a £10.00 discount if paid before January 31st 2015. Subscriptions for 2014 are now overdue. Please send a cheque/order for £20 Payable to “ N.E.M.A.A. “ to:- Membership Secretary, George Routledge, 5 St Hildas Avenue, Holy Cross, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE28 7AB.(Tel 01914474219) Please include your Blue or Yellow Membership Card - so that it can be signed - and a stamped addressed envelope for its return. Please notify George if you change your club,your address or Email address and if you wish to receive the newsletter by Email in the future, If you have already paid your 2014 subscriptions, please ignore this reminder and send £10 for 2015 if you are paying your subscriptions before 31st January 2015.
The Committee would like to encourage all masters (veterans) who had NEVER been a member of the Masters Association – in its present or past form – to join NEMAA for a special rate of only £10. This special rate is only for brand new first time members , who have never joined NEMAA or VAANEE in the past. This special rate will not be available to former members who have let their subs lapse or have left NEMAA in recent years. Past members who wish to re-join NEMAA will be required to re-join at a rate of £20.
The NEMAA A.G.M. will be held on 12th January 2015 at 7.00 pm at Gateshead International Stadium, Nielson Road, Gateshead. ALL members are invited to attend. Any nominations for Officers or members of the Committee, any proposals or any items for discussion on the agenda should be sent to Secretary – Archie Jenkins before 31/12/2014 to [email protected] .
Nov 22 International Masters CC Nov 22. NEHL Aykley Heads Nov 29. NEHL Wallington
Dec 7 Blyth Sands 5 Dec 13. NE XC> Town Moor Dec 20. Saltwell 10k
Dec 26 W Bay Pudding Run Dec 28. Jolly Holly Jog Jan 1. Resolution Run Town Moor Jan 11. Durham City XC Relays Jan 12. NEMAA AGM Jan 17 NEHL Jarrow
Jan 24. Northern XC Pontefract Jan 25 Newcastle Racecourse Marathon and Half
Feb 7 NEMAA XC Darlington Feb 21 National XC London Feb 28. NEHL XC Alnwick
Mar 7/ 8 BMAF Indoors T&F Mar 14. BMAF XC Ruthin, N Wales Mar 14 NEHL XC Wrekenton
Mar 15 Locke Park 20 Mar 21 Coniston 14 Mar 29 Hartlepool Marina
Apr 4 Longtown 10 Apr 5 Blyth 10k Apr 19 Sandancer MT 10k S Shields
Apr 19 Druridge Bay Marathon Apr 26 Wallsend T O’Gara 5k Apr 26 London Marathon July 25/26 BMAF T&F Champs Nov 1 Newcastle Marathon
Good Luck ! Please confirm dates with race organizers, some fixtures are provisional.
The 2015 Newcastle Marathon on November 1st will incorporate BMAF & NEMAA Championships
Please detach and send* £10 / £20 cheque payable to “ N.E.M.A.A “. --Please re new my NEMAA Membership for 2015.
Postcode……………………………… Male/Female*…………………. Date of Birth ……………….………
E Mail address……(please print)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Club………………………………………………....... Athletics Affiliation No……………………………….…...
Please send with Blue or Yellow NEMAA Membership card and Self addressed stamped envelope to:-
George Routledge, 5 StHildas Avenue, Holy Cross, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE28 7AB.
Please do not use this form for new members application. Please use website form